Engineers Week
For Engineers Week, we looked at the different types of engineering such as electrical, chemical, mechanical, biomedical, civil engineering etc. 4th Class decided to focus on the the work of a sound engineer as it also integrated with the work they were doing as part of their creative cluster. One of the parents in 4th Class works as a sound engineer in the local radio station so he organised for the class to have a tour of the local radio station. The class got to see the work of a sound engineer, got to record some promotional pieces for the station in the studio and really enjoyed the experience. There are definitely some budding sound engineers and radio presenters for the future.
Architecture Week
4th Class took part in a workshop in the local library organised as part of Architecture Week.. In this workshop they worked in groups to build their own city using a new prototyping kit and took into account the importance of the sun when designing it. The class worked really well in their groups and came up with some great cities.
1st Class Bridges
1st Class looked at building bridges that can support a load using various materials such as lego, clicks, wooden blocks, straws and cardboard. Some bridges could obviously hold heavier loads depending on what the bridges were made out of .
Makey Makey
4th Class took part in workshop called Makey Makey. Emma from Creative Ireland and Kerry County Council and David from Me and the moon gave such an engaging workshop. The class learned all about circuits and what are good conductors of electricity. They created circuits and played video games where they had to work together as a team in order to make the icon move on screen.
Desk Tidies
4th Class worked in groups to make their own desk tidies. They planned out what their desk tidy would look like and decided what materials they would need. They used cardboard, toilet rolls, superglue, masking tape etc.
An example of one of the desk tidies in use.