For Maths Week, all classes made a special effort to make maths as hands on and fun as possible to show how maths is relevant in our everyday lives. The children in Ms Moriarty’s class were looking with their “maths eyes” to take photos using the iPads and then come up with a maths question relative to the photo. Here are the results. See if you can answer any of their maths questions as a challenge during.
Maths Week Senior Infants Ms. Kennedy's Senior Infants had great fun for Maths Week making mega patterns, human number lines and human number sentences. We practiced chanting out our patterns and counting to 20 forwards and backwards. We also learned about combining sets.
The Maths topic in 3rd Class this week is 2-D Shapes and we started Maths Week yesterday with a game of 2-D Shape Bingo.
Ms Ryan’s 3rd Class finished 2-D Shapes today with a 2-D Shape trail around the school.
Mrs Lawlor’s 2nd Class played snakes and ladders and practised greater than less than and equal to using a deck of cards during Maths Week.
Division for Maths Week
During maths week, Ms O’Shea’s 4th class played a division game of Go fish. Instead of asking for a card, they revised their division facts. Instead of asking for 6 they asked have you 12÷2? They also used cubes to work out maths problems based on division.
4th class also played a maths board game working on their division facts today. They object was to get 4 correct answers in a row either vertically, horizontally or diagonally. Well done to 4th class making division fun during Maths Week.
Maths Week Quiz A number of classes took part in the Maths Week Online Quiz organised by the local education center. They really enjoyed the quiz questions as they made them really think outside the box. 6th Class even did their own extra research by using a box of Celebrations instead of Miniature Heroes.
What's Cooking???? For Maths Week and the strand of Measures Ms. Moriarty’s 6th class made Pumpkin Soup and enjoyed it for their lunch on Thursday. Lots of cutting and weighing was involved and the class really enjoyed the 'fruits of their labour'.